Quality management


Quality Management

Quality Management

We are a medical laboratory accredited according to DIN EN ISO 15189 and as a test laboratory approved according to DIN EN 17025.
But these are only our German accreditations. We are also allowed to work with gynecologists according to §20b AMG and we do have a CAP/CLIA accreditation. Only a few labs in German feature this US-accreditation.

Two of our staff members are responsible for quality management exclusively. Our lab features a rapid response request management system and in term of quality adapts to the laboratory 4.0 standard.
You can find more information about our accreditation here. Our laboratory is well known for doing lab test which need excessive organizational effort.

Your contact for quality is:

National - Gabriele Dresen 0221-940-564-45
International - Dr. Sander van Dooren (Phd) : 0221-940-564-761
Mail:: dooren@lab-quade.de